Simon enabled me to make TOTAL sense of my life through his use and understanding of the quotients and .graphs which he has developed to such insightful and beneficial levels. I have always known I was different to others but at the age of 53 I now know and understand why. The counselling I received from Simon was invaluable in helping me understand, on a far deeper level, not only myself but my birth family also, making me feel so much more authentic in both my personal and professional life. This has validated my lived experiences and enhanced my integrity benefitting my work with clients.
What I love about the way Simon works and which is so unique, is that he doesn’t just determine your neurodivergence – he then offers counselling at a fee you decide, to absorb this diagnosis, process it in a safe and understanding place , and to explore it honestly. My world has changed since meeting Simon and I hope we will go on to help change the world together.
– Giuliana Wheater – Therapist, Author, Coach.