

Small Talk

It is not just the austistic who are uncomfortable with small talk. Other types of neurodiversity also struggle with small talk. The key here is the ratio of clinical thinking to emotional thinking. The more a person’s intelligence is clinical the less comfortable...

Physical Health vs Mental Health

Often there is confusion between physical health & mental health - let me share my understanding. To achieve good physical health the following needs must be met: nutritional, exercise, respiratory & sexual. To achieve good mental health the following needs...

Neurodiverse definition

What is neurodiversity and what does it mean? I shall share my understanding below Most people accept that we are all slightly different and interact with the world slightly differently.  Neurotypical are those who fall into the narrow range that might be considered...

Intelligence and stupidity

The human being has an immense potential for intelligence combined with a propensity for stupidity. This is because if they have intelligence, they think they are intelligent but this is very far from the case.  If a person has a brain in their head then they have...


Bullies are people who have not learnt to use the intelligences they have.  This  is their major weakness.  Bullies demonstrate their stupidity by highlighting the weaknesses of others in order to cover up their own weaknesses. We all have strengths and weaknesses,...

Which is worse capitalism or democracy?

Capitalism is an economic system based on the trading of goods or services.  It has no moral code as to what is good or bad except that bad businesses stop trading because they run out of money. If we take people within a society who have a myriad of different skills...

Breasts – size, function & exposure

The human breast is unusual within the animal kingdom because the size of the human breast bears no relation to its ability to lactate.  In all other mammals the breasts remain small or inconspicuous until lactation takes place.  The human breast, from the onset of...

My understanding of ADHD

As far as I am aware ADHD is a set of symptoms that are transitory, often brought about by a change in circumstances such as starting school.  There will be certain situations when the symptoms are present and situations when they are not.  This is similar to...