Services Offered

Talks, Training, Counselling and Advocacy on my understanding of neurodiversity, intelligence, mental health and self awareness.

An opportunity for you to place yourself, neurologically speaking, relative to other people with the use of graphs with subsequent explanations as to what that means.

What you need to know

I have no academic qualifications on this subject nor am I affiliated to any counselling groups or bodies.  My knowledge and the services I offer are based on my lived experience, my extensive research and my obscure neurodiversity.   Not only do I have lived experience of trauma and living with an obscure neurodiversity but also experience of many different types of counselling, most of which I have found to be inappropriate and lacking in understanding. I believe therefore that I have far more valid qualifications.

My fees are as follows:

Neurological assessment with graphs £100.00

Talks, training, counselling and advocacy fees to be agreed between me and the client. They will be based on the value I bring and the client’s ability to pay.  I offer a money back guarantee on these services should they not make sense to the client or if they have not changed the client’s life.

Contact :  Simon Rawcliffe

Mobile : 07548 265510
Email :