About Layman Observer

About Layman Observer

About Layman Observer

The reason I have called my consultancy Layman Observer is because I have no substantial academic qualifications, nor am I affiliated to any counselling groups or bodies. My knowledge and the services I offer are based on my lived experience, my extensive research and my obscure neurodiversity. Not only do I have lived experience of trauma and living with an obscure neurodiversity but also experience of many different types of counselling, most of which I have found to be inappropriate and lacking in understanding. I believe therefore that I have far more valid qualifications.

My mission is to help people unlock their intellectual potential through my understanding of neurodiversity, intelligence, mental health and self awareness

My definition of intelligence is the ability to absorb, process and act on information proportionately, appropriately, accurately and timely.

My understanding of good mental health is when your intellectual, emotional and psychological needs are met.

The reason I believe my services are needed is because society does not seem to understand intelligences and their value.   It does not seem to understand neurodiversity and its value. This lack of understanding usually results in conflict and inappropriate conditioning of people, which in turn results in poor mental health and a hierarchy of intelligences, when in fact they all have the same value. Take a banker and a carer. Each uses different intelligences to carry out their work. Each has the same value to society, so much so that if we lost either, society would be severely compromised.

Bankers are  paid many, many times more than carers. If a carer gets it wrong the impact is localised with few people affected yet they are severely punished and ostracised by society. If a banker gets it wrong  the implications are global and affect everyone and yet they are rarely punished, the worst that might happen is they lose their bonus for a while. This is a totally disproportionate and inappropriate set of values for a sustainable, cohesive and content society.

Often people who are valued by society think they are intelligent whilst people who are not valued by society think they are stupid. Neither of these are true. Everyone has intelligences and stupidities but they are all different. That is why I say difference is normal.   

“Geniuses are like thunderstorms: they go against the wind, terrify people, clear the air.”

– Soren Kierkegaard